How to Use Video in Email Marketing: Boost Engagement and Drive Conversions

How to Use Video in Email Marketing: Boost Engagement and Drive Conversions
Published in : 17 Oct 2024

How to Use Video in Email Marketing: Boost Engagement and Drive Conversions

Being memorable in the digital age has become a difficult task for marketers, as customers are inundated with promotional messages via various media. Because consumers have shorter attention spans, conventional marketing strategies are unable to draw in and hold the interest of consumers. Let me introduce you to video emails, a recently popular form of user engagement that works incredibly well. By combining the power of video with the direct, personalized nature of email marketing, marketers can produce fascinating content that resonates more deeply with their audience.

This blog will examine the expanding popularity of video emails, the rationale behind their efficacy, the technical underpinnings of these emails, optimal implementation techniques, and actual case studies of brands that have used video emails to great effect. Regardless of the size of your company, video emails present a creative means of interacting with customers directly in their inbox.

The Growing Popularity of Video Content in Digital Marketing

Prior to delving into the intricacies of video emails, it is vital to comprehend the reasons behind the surge in popularity of video material. Over the last decade, video has emerged as the most engaging form of content on the internet. Short-form video has gained popularity on sites like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels, while long-form video consumption has been transformed by streaming services like Netflix.

Here are several reasons why video content has become dominant:

1. High Engagement and Interaction

When it comes to engagement, video regularly performs better than other content kinds. When used in email campaigns, social media posts, and website content, videos typically result in increased click-through rates, shares, and comments. Videos are more fascinating than still photos or long passages of text because viewers are naturally drawn to motion and sound. Research indicates that individuals are twice as likely as not to share any other kind of content with their network when it comes to videos.

2. Storytelling and Emotional Appeal

Video is an effective storytelling medium. It allows marketers to tell stories with sound, images, and story in a way that resonates with consumers on an emotional level. Conversion rates and brand loyalty may both be strongly impacted by this emotional connection. For example, a well-made video can elicit emotions like happiness, nostalgia, or empathy, which static advertisements might find difficult to accomplish.

3. Increased Consumer Demand

Demand from customers is the real driver behind the move into video content, not only marketing. Since watching videos is more convenient to watch than reading lengthy articles or static content, people are looking for it more frequently. Over 80% of all internet traffic is made up of video, according to recent data, and 54% of customers want to see more video content from the businesses they follow.

4. Versatility and Flexibility

Video content is adaptable and can be used for a variety of objectives, such as product demonstrations, brand awareness, education, and entertainment. A single video may be used on several websites, social media platforms, and email campaigns, which makes it an excellent investment for any content strategy. Videos work better in email contexts than just text when it comes to updating recipients, breaking down difficult ideas, or promoting exclusive deals.

Considering how popular video is, it makes sense for marketers to incorporate it into emails in order to stay on top of customer preferences and stand out in a congested inbox.

Why Video Emails Work: Understanding Their Impact

Email and video are two very powerful communication channels that are combined in video emails. This potent mix can greatly increase a marketing campaign's impact and reach. This explains why video emails work so well:

1. Captures Attention Quickly

Marketers have a brief window of time in the fast-paced world of today to grab the attention of their target audience before they go on to something else. Video inherently grabs the eye, making it a very effective tool for immediately catching attention. An email recipient's attention can be quickly captured by a well-placed GIF or video thumbnail, encouraging them to click through and interact with the content.

2. Increases Engagement Rates

A video in an email can result in a 300% boost in click-through rates. Compared to text or still photos, video content is by nature more engaging. You may encourage viewers to stay on your page longer, watch the material, and even take action by including a video, like going over to a website or making a purchase.

3. Enhances Message Retention

Given that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch a video, compared to only 10% when they read it in text, video is a great medium for increasing information retention. For this reason, video emails are a great way to explain complex concepts or give product demonstrations.

4. Drives Conversions

Compared to other content categories, videos are more effective at driving conversions. Using video to make a stronger case for action can help recipients decide whether to download a white paper, sign up for a webinar, or buy a product. For instance, because they illustrate the product's worth beyond what language can convey, product films that feature an item in use are more likely to result in conversions.

5. Humanizes Your Brand

Video allows you to convey personality, emotion, and authenticity, which can help humanize your brand. This personal touch is especially important in email marketing, where the goal is to build a direct relationship with the recipient. A short video message from the CEO, a behind-the-scenes look at company operations, or customer testimonials in video format can help establish trust and create a more emotional connection with your audience.

6. Personalization at Scale

Video elevates personalization, which is one of the major trends in email marketing. Marketers may create a highly personalized experience by using data analytics to customise video content for each unique recipient. An email might, for example, feature a personalized video greeting that uses the recipient's name to address them or show products based on their browsing or past purchases. This degree of customization has the potential to greatly increase loyalty and engagement.

How Video Emails Work: Navigating Technical Challenges

Although it may seem simple to embed a video straight into an email, there are a few technical issues to take into account. Since some email clients (including Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo) do not support embedded videos, marketers must use caution when distributing video content by email.

1. Animated GIFs

Using animated GIFs is one of the most popular ways to include video in emails. In essence, a GIF is a brief animation that loops and can look like a video. GIFs are an easy way to add motion to emails because most email clients accept them. Even though GIFs can't replicate the entire experience of a video, they can still be very successful at drawing viewers in and making important points clear.

2. Video Thumbnails with Play Buttons

Using a video thumbnail—a still image from the video—and superimposing a play button on top of it is another well-liked strategy. Recipients are taken to a landing page where the video plays when they click the play button. As the video isn't integrated into the email, this method guarantees that the video will function in all email clients.

3. HTML5 Video

Email clients that support HTML5 video, like some versions of iOS Mail and Apple Mail, let marketers embed videos straight into emails. This implies that the receiver won't be redirected to another page and the video can play right within the email. Due to the limited support for HTML5 videos, marketers must provide fallback options (such GIFs or thumbnails) for users opening their emails in clients that aren't HTML5 compliant.

4. Video Previews

Additionally, marketers can make little trailers for their videos to attach to the email. By acting as teasers, these trailers persuade viewers to click through and view the entire video on a special landing page. Marketers can generate interest and drive visitors to their website or campaign page by utilizing brief, captivating previews.


In order to remain relevant and engaging, marketers must modify their email strategy in response to the ongoing shift in consumer preferences toward video content. Video emails present a special chance to grab readers' attention, narrate engaging stories, and encourage more in-depth interaction with your audience. Best practices and judicious use of video can help marketers produce email campaigns that stand out in cluttered inboxes and produce noticeable results.

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